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Tom Ford

Every year my backyard would flood when it rained. We added dirt, tried to add new drainage and nothing, that is until TLC came out and fixed the problem FOR GOOD...
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Tom Ford

Every year my backyard would flood when it rained. We added dirt, tried to add new drainage and nothing, that is until TLC came out and fixed the problem FOR GOOD...

Do you have a Drainage Problem?

In many cases the answer to that question is obvious. If you have a semi-permanent, undesired wading pond in your yard, then you have an obvious drainage problem. If your soil stays soggy long after a rainy spell ends, you have a drainage problem.
But sometimes the signs are not quite so obvious. You might be able to walk across your lawn with perfectly dry feet, and still have lawn drainage problems.

7 Subtle Signs You Have a Lawn Drainage Problem

  • What Stinks!? Soils that stay damp for long periods of time often develop a distinct odor — and not a particularly pleasant one. That happens because the ever-present moisture in the soil supports the growth of anerobic bacteria. Your lawn doesn’t have to be a swamp for this problem to develop. Just maintaining a too-high level of moisture in the soil is enough.
  • Color Codes. Did you know that soil color can indicate whether you might have a drainage problem? Bright colored soils are usually indicative of well-drained soils. But soils that are dull in color could indicate that you have poor lawn drainage.
  • Dead Zones. Do you have patches in your lawn where grass or other plants seem to have trouble surviving? The problem could be caused by poor drainage. This isn’t a sure sign of a drainage issue — there could be other problems causing the dead zone. But quite frequently this problem can be tied directly to an area of poor drainage.
  • ​Basement Stains. Have you checked your basement wall for water stains? Poor lawn drainage often results in stains on basement walls. Other problems can also cause water stains on basement walls, such as overflowing gutters. But if you find water stains in your basement, you should investigate further to determine whether you have a lawn drainage problem.
  • ​Foundation Cracks. Yes, this one is kind of scary. And it shows just how serious a lawn drainage problem can be. A lawn drainage problem is NOT just about soggy soil — it can cause serious damage to your home. And cracks in your home’s foundation is a sign that poor water drainage may be harming your house. Be aware that some foundation cracking is normal; it almost always occurs as a house settles over time. But larger cracks, and cracks that appear to keep growing, are bad signs, and potentially indicate a drainage problem. If you’re not sure whether your foundation cracks might indicate a drainage problem, better get an expert to check them out.
  • ​Flaky Walls. Have you ever noticed any patches of light-colored (typically grayish or whitish) crusty areas on your basement walls? If so, you might have a lawn drainage problem. Crusty patches that tend to flake off are sometimes caused by minerals that were left on the surface of the wall by evaporating water. Again, you might need to ask an expert to determine whether the condition is indicative of poor drainage. (A common condition known as concrete spalling can create the same symptoms.)
  • ​Attic Mildew. Mildew in the attic can indicate a lawn drainage problem? Yep. Here’s how. Soil that doesn’t drain properly can pump lots of moisture into the air. Moist air in the basement tends to rise, and ultimately ends up in the attic where it can condense against the cold underside of the roof. And that can create prime growing conditions for mildew.

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